
Friday, June 24, 2011

300 Follower Giveaway -- Revised

Sooo, it's taking longer for me to get to 300 followers than I thought. But have no fear! I'm still giving away two great books. I'm so excited to give away these books, I can't take the waiting! I've just decided to give one of them away a little bit earlier. Cool, right?

I've decided to give away the first book, WAKE by Lisa McMann when I read 250 followers. That's right. 250. Seeing as I'm currently at 248, that shouldn't be a problem to reach soon. :D

And I'll still be giving away THE DUFF by Kody Keplinger when I do reach 300. The rules for the contest are the same and if you've already entered, I've got you down on my list.

I know what you're all asking:  How do I enter this awesome giveaway? It's easy:

- Follow me on twitter:
Make this tweet:  "You should follow @YA_BookoftheDay because..." and fill in your own reasons for following me, or why you think others should. You can change around the wording if you need to, but make sure @YA_BookoftheDay is included and a reason you like or think others should follow. 

That's it! Totally easy. 

Every person entered will be eligible to win both WAKE and THE DUFF. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winners. If I reach 250 sometime today, I'll wait until the end of the night to pick the winner, so you'll all still have time to enter for WAKE. 

Good luck!


  1. Sweet contest. I've already read Wake (good stuff), but I'd love to get my hands on DUFF. I've heard such great things. Thanks for having a contest!!

  2. My pleasure! THE DUFF is great. It was the first YA Book of the Day!
