
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heart-Breaker #2: Puck

Continuing our funny man/sidekick week, I present to you, Heart-Breaker #2:

Puck from THE IRON FEY by Julie Kagawa

**SPOILER LEVEL:  Slight**

Puck (aka Robbie Goodfell, Robin Goodfellow) is Meghan's best friend at the beginning of THE IRON KING. He's also the same Puck from A MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT DREAM. He's a prankster. The court jester. He's constantly causing trouble and teasing Meghan. Puck has red hair and green eyes. Plus, he's fey, so he's obviously beautiful. Don't believe me? Just look at this image from the back cover for THE IRON KNIGHT:


Okay, back to why I love him. *takes one more peak at picture* Puck is Meghan's friend from the beginning. He knows her. It's not a lust-at-first-sight kind of thing that happens all too often in YA books. Puck has spent years around Meghan, being her friend and protecting her (though she didn't know about that bit). And you know what? Meghan likes him too. Sure, she's only seeing him as friend material (at least for now), but she likes him. She finds comfort in his presence and would do anything to protect him as well.

Not only is the sexy, sarcastic Puck able to make us laugh, but he can kick some serious butt too. He's skilled with weapons and can duke it out with the brooding bad boy, Prince Ash. Since Ash's fighting prowess is highlighted as exceptional, that means Puck's no light weight. He's a serious contender in any match. Better yet, he gets a mischievous glint in his eye and a wicked smile on his face as he does so (reference picture above).

Prince Ash fans, I'll concede that the tortured soul has my empathy too. He's a good match for Meghan and has tons of awesome qualities to his name. But, given the choice between the two, I'd pick Puck everytime. I'd want someone who can make me laugh, not just have my back in a fight. All that broodiness is a real downer when you've already got the weight of the Nevernever on your shoulders.


  1. ....gotta tell you tho I like Puck I am all the way Team Ash!!!

  2. Well the real question is are we picking for Meghan or for ourselves....

  3. Aah, Ash fans. I love him too, but Puck still wins for me.

    Kait - Either way :D

  4. I'm sorry Puck, but I like brooding ice princes :/ Ash <3

  5. Ash all the way form that first icy glance.

  6. Do you know what's the model's name for Ash on the cover is?

    -thank you&come again.

  7. Racquel -- Unfortunately I do not.
