
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Banned Books Week

As I'm sure you are all aware by now, it's Banned Books Week. In celebration, all my YA Book of the Day recommendations this week come from the ALA list of banned and challenged books.

Now, I don't shy away from banned books to begin with. After reviewing the list on the ALA website, I was surprised by how many books I enjoy are on the banned or challenged list. I've posted several recommendations for these books, including the Harry Potter series, Twilight series, Hunger Games series, and His Dark Materials series (lots of series, huh?). I've also recommended others such as classics like Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and 1984 by George Orwell and more modern books like Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and Looking for Alaska by John Green.

So, if these books have been banned or challenged, why is it still so easy to go to a bookstore and pick one up? Answer:  teachers, librarians, and others who fight against censorship. These are the people who allow writers to write whatever story they feel close to, and allow us readers to decide whether or not it's the right story for us.

Thank your teachers, librarians, and booksellers for keeping banned and challenged books in easy access. Show your support by buying and reading a banned or challenged book this week. I'm purchasing The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. (Surprisingly, I've never read it.)

What about you?

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