
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Writer Wednesday: NaNoWriMo

For those of you who don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWritMo. Writers from all over attempt to start and finish a novel within these short 30 days. It's crazy. It's wonderful. It's something that I can not do! (Although, I may turn it into NaFiDisMo, aka National Finish my Dissertation Month...wait, wasn't that supposed to be August? :/ )

Anyway, I want to give a shout out to anyone attempting this crazy task. If you plan on doing it, make a comment telling me about your project (if you're participating in forums, feel free to share the link). Or, tell me about a time you've done this in the past. Did it work? Were you able to finish? How exhausting was it?

I'd love to know. Even though I can't participate this year, I think it's something I might like to try in the future. :D

For now, I'll sit on the sidelines and cheer everyone else on. Write, write, write!


  1. I'm doing Nano this year. I love it - this will be my 7th try (I've won each year I've tried). One of my nano stories was published - Woman of Honor.

    This year, I'm going to write about a YA called Crystal's Magic.

    Crystal has always lived a strange life. Whenever she really wants something and prays for it, it happens. Always. When she finds a note from her dead mother, she realizes there's a lot to her birth that isn't natural. She seeks out the witches her mother begged to help her conceive a child - her - as she struggles to learn who she is and what she can become.

  2. Cool! It sounds like you've had a lot of success with it so far. Good luck on Crystal's Magic!

  3. I'm not doing NaNo. I tried one year and got exactly 1337 words in. It was about a girl who discovers all her favorite fictional characters were real. I got the idea from how anime fangirls act as if the characters exist.

  4. That sounds like me right now. Even if I wanted to try for it, I'm sure I'd have exactly zero time to do it. Interesting idea though. Did you ever go further with it after NaNo?
