
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tempest Audiobook Giveaway

If you've been following the blog or twitter the last few months, you may remember several gushing moments concerning Tempest by Julie Cross. I loved, loved, loved this book! So much so, that I gave away my personal ARC so someone else could read it too. Then, I reviewed it. Then I gushed some more on twitter.

Well, today's the day it's finally released! You should all go pick up a copy. I know I'm buying one too since I gave away my ARC (yes, I do absolutely need to OWN this book!).

Now, I've got another great way to share Tempest with you:  audiobook. Today, with the help of the wonderful MacMillan Audio, I can give away a copy of the Tempest audiobook to one lucky winner! Since this is coming straight from the publisher, only people with US addresses can enter (sorry!).

Not sure if you'd like audiobooks? Preview this clip of Tempest:

Got hooked? Want to win? Fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway